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'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 0, 'module' => 'number', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'number', 'weight' => '19', ), 'field_name' => 'field_balcony_area', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_bukken_type' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '物件タイプを選択してください。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'list_default', 'weight' => '0', 'settings' => array(), 'module' => 'list', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 40, ), ), 'label' => '物件タイプ', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 1, 'module' => 'options', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'options_select', 'weight' => '8', ), 'field_name' => 'field_bukken_type', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_completion' => array( 0 => array( 'description' => '築年月を入力してください。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'date_default', 'weight' => '10', 'settings' => array( 'format_type' => 'ymjp', 'fromto' => 'both', 'multiple_from' => '', 'multiple_number' => '', 'multiple_to' => '', ), 'module' => 'date', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 35, ), ), 'label' => '築年月', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'default_value' => 'blank', 'default_value2' => 'same', 'default_value_code' => '', 'default_value_code2' => '', 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 1, 'module' => 'date', 'settings' => array( 'increment' => 15, 'input_format' => 'm/d/Y - H:i:s', 'input_format_custom' => '', 'label_position' => 'above', 'text_parts' => array(), 'year_range' => '-60:+1', ), 'type' => 'date_select', 'weight' => '20', ), 'field_name' => 'field_completion', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_deposit' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '敷金を数値で入力してください(例「150000」円)。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'custom_number_yen', 'weight' => '15', 'settings' => array( 'decimal_separator' => '.', 'offset' => 10000, 'prefix' => '', 'prefix_suffix' => 1, 'scale' => 1, 'suffix' => ' 万円', 'thousand_separator' => ' ', 'zero' => '無し', ), 'module' => 'custom', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 54, ), ), 'label' => '敷金', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'max' => '', 'min' => 0, 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '円', 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 0, 'module' => 'number', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'number', 'weight' => '24', ), 'field_name' => 'field_deposit', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_facing' => array( 0 => array( 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'間取りを選択してください。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'list_default', 'weight' => '6', 'settings' => array(), 'module' => 'list', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'module' => 'list', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'list_default', 'weight' => 3, ), ), 'label' => '間取り', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 1, 'module' => 'options', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'options_select', 'weight' => '16', ), 'field_name' => 'field_partition', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_renewal_fee' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '更新料を数値で入力してください(例「75000」円)。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'custom_number_yen', 'weight' => '17', 'settings' => array( 'decimal_separator' => '.', 'offset' => 10000, 'prefix' => '', 'prefix_suffix' => 1, 'scale' => 1, 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=> 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_story_bf' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '地下階がある場合は数値で入力してください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => '27', 'settings' => array(), ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 29, ), ), 'label' => '地下階', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'max' => '', 'min' => 0, 'prefix' => '地下', 'suffix' => '階', 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 0, 'module' => 'number', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'number', 'weight' => '12', ), 'field_name' => 'field_story_bf', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_structure' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '構造を選択してください。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'list_default', 'weight' => '1', 'settings' => array(), 'module' => 'list', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 24, ), ), 'label' => '構造', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 1, 'module' => 'options', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'options_select', 'weight' => '9', ), 'field_name' => 'field_structure', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_total_units' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '総戸数を数値で入力してください。不明の場合は空欄にしてください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'number_integer', 'weight' => '5', 'settings' => array( 'decimal_separator' => '.', 'prefix_suffix' => TRUE, 'scale' => 0, 'thousand_separator' => ' ', ), 'module' => 'number', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 19, ), ), 'label' => '総戸数', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'max' => '', 'min' => 0, 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '戸', 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 0, 'module' => 'number', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'number', 'weight' => '14', ), 'field_name' => 'field_total_units', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 'deleted' => '0', ), ), 'field_town' => array( 0 => array( 'default_value' => NULL, 'description' => '市区町村を選択してください。', 'display' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'custom_taxonomy_term_reference_link_bukken', 'weight' => '48', 'settings' => array(), 'module' => 'custom', ), 'teaser' => array( 'label' => 'above', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'hidden', 'weight' => 22, ), ), 'label' => '市区町村', 'required' => 0, 'settings' => array( 'user_register_form' => FALSE, ), 'widget' => array( 'active' => 1, 'module' => 'options', 'settings' => array(), 'type' => 'options_select', 'weight' => '54', ), 'field_name' => 'field_town', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'forrent', 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